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“Hand care’s Campaign” – Los Bronces

As part of our program of safety, occupational health and environment (SSOMA for its spanish’s acronym), we have developed for our projects in the Division of mining camp Los Bronces this Hand Care’s Campaign This campaign counted with the active participation of our principal staff.

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ASAP - Uso extintores pabellón Araucanía

Use of fire extinguishers – Araucanía

A system of safety management and health at work as the stablished on the OHSAS 18001 norm makes it possible that an organization can react swiftly to control the development of certain events in our workplaces and prevent serious damage to people, heritage of the Organization and the environment. For this reason we continuously train our workers so always remain prepared for any event.

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ASAP Premiaciones Personal Destacado en Terreno

Outstanding on-site staff awards

The awards recognize our continuous and spontaneous way workers maintain an attitude and behavior conducive to sustain safe and healthy work environments that translates into greater competitiveness for the company and the quality of life of workers and their families. Why continually recognizes our employees in their daily work.

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ASAP Campaña Cuidado de Manos en Minera Esperanza

Hands Care Campaign – Esperanza mining camp

In order to contribute to the reduction of accidents caused by injuries at the hands of the workers, because of the high frequency and/or severity of these, ASAP annually joins campaign to create awareness among our staff and care of our limbs.

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ASAP Charla Reglas por la Vida y USO EPP en ENAP

Chat rules for life and use EPP at ENAP

Production must be sustainable, which means that you must comply with the operational goals, but at the same time, it must ensure that tasks are executed safely with the greater efficiency and effectiveness, controlling the environmental effects and, at the same time, in harmoniously with the surrounding communities contributes to our goal of 0 damage is therefore that ASAP in their workplaces at ENAP performs the internalization of the rules for life campaign.

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ASAP Campaña Reportando de la Mutual

Campaign reporting of the Mutual

In order to raise awareness among our workers and in conjunction with our allied strategic security Mutual, ASAP is adherent to the campaign of reporting incidents to so you can work on the basis of a preventive management and not reactive.

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