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Noise barrier installation for TRR

Noise barrier installation for TRR

Project Name

Acustic Barrier Installation in Central Refrigeration Tower – Nueva Renca

Customer Client

AES Gener S.A. Central Renca Location, Renca Commune, Santiago.

Quantity built

56.000.- kgs EEMM Assambled and 250 m3 Fundations


The purpose of this project is to build two noise barriers on both sides of the cooling tower of the plant of the Central new Renca (CNR) in order to decrease the noise it produces, and thus comply with the standards in force and required by our legislation.

The work consisted of:

  • Civil works for Assembly of 250 m3 of reinforced concrete foundations.
  • 56,000 kg of metallic structure Assembly to withstand the baffles.
  • Assembly of acoustic screens or louvers.

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