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Power supply / network fire installation – Terminal Quintero ENAP

Power supply / network fire installation – Terminal Quintero ENAP

Project Name

Power supply /  network fire installation for new contractors district in Terminal Quintero of ENAP Aconcagua refinery and supply of drinking water for emergency showers in ponds T-5017 and T-5005 and construction of camera system detection leak oil pipeline 10 ”

Customer Client

ENAP Refinería S.A.


Terminal Quintero Aconcagua Refinery, Locura Road, Quintero.

Quantity built

600 linear meters of strong lines, 1200 linear meters of optical fiber.


For our customer ENAP 2 projects were carried out simultaneously and an additional installation in various parts of the refinery emergency showers.

Electric power project mainly considered the Assembly of a sub-station type Pad Mounted 1000KVA, transformers, switchgear Assembly, laying 600 ml of cables power and 1200 ml of cables of fiberglass, canalization in Bank of simple and reinforced duct pipe in galvanized steel pipes.

The project of the network of fire consisted of 770 ml of 14 “HDPE PN20 array installation, from camera through existing enflanchada of 14” HDPE. 03 Chambers and faucet installation construction.

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