Contract services for minor civil works




Contrato-obras-civiles-menores-2We currently have 2 operations in minor civil works contracts, this is to maintain a defined quantity of personnel, tools and equipment in work to perform various types of work such as:


  • Building works
  • Remodelling and repair of buildings (preventive and emergency maintenance)
  • Construction and repair of pavements and potholes asphalt
  • Channelling of water rain
  • Repairs and maintenance electrical low voltage
  • Repair of sewer and water lines


The contract works management customer that channeled the requirements of different users of the company and establishes the priorities of the jobs to run. Each “order of work” (OT) is issued a budget that is internal to the company and a programme with deadlines and resources. This contract serves the following areas and Superintendence of the mining company:



  • Explorations
  • Sustainability
  • Testigotecas
  • Infrastructure and Service
  • Mine Maintenance
  • Mine Operation
  • Safety and Occupational Health



  • Finance
  • Plants 
  • Projects
  • Operational Services




Principal advantages of this kind of services:

  • Low cost in expenditure overall, since it is made in a large number of works and the cost of accreditation is not incident.
  • Fast and efficient response to requirements.
  • This type of contract allows companies to execute works mid-size without having to tender, with a fixed tariff of man-hours and established materials and General spending less.
  • Possibility of attend works of emergence of different areas of the company.
  • Agility in acquisition of materials and supplies.
  • Versatile equipment for large quantity and type of works that may include.

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